Saturday, August 14, 2010


I never write..I only read....what u may ask....basically anything and everything I can get my small soft hands on...Needless to say that the first chapter if not the first line should at least hold my interest..Incase u think I hardly ever read the books that I need 2 read and learn....yes..u may have figured it right..I am not the studious one...

         Living in a small town in the state of West Bengal in India...its kind of difficult to always get my hands (yes , the soft and small ones ) on chick lits and chuck lits which is what I like reading the most.

    U may be wondering why I mentioned I don't write  (or type)..I do in my exams and once in a while in my classes....well the reason is quite simple..because I  don't like doing so.....(also lack of depth in this particular department)..Yeah....i guess u  may figured this too by now about I am not going to enhance your knowledge in this particular matter any more...

So , here is the name of  a book  that  I desperately urgently and madly want to read right now.......


Here s a small summary of what lies within it....

She is pretty and talented - sweet sixteen and never been kissed. He is seventeen; gorgeous and on the brink of a bright future. And now they have fallen in love. But . . . They are brother and sister. Forbidden will take you on an extraordinary emotional journey. Passionate and shocking, this is a book you will remember long after you have put it down.

A complex novel that succeeds in exploring the controversial subject of sibling incest without sensation... A chilling, powerfully written tale with lasting effects for both teenage and adult readers.
 I know incestuous relationship is not something we are  always comfortable  reading or discussing about ....but i think this is going to be different.... .If u too think so too do let me know....